snow-encrusted street in New Haven, Conn., had an intestinal disease, a necropsy showed. By Adeel Hassan Chappy, the underweight gray seal pup who was found on its stomach on a street in New Haven ...
Related: Sea Lion Pup Performing Remarkable Underwater Ribbon Ballet Has People in Total Awe. While the sea lion caretakers at Point Defiance thought Pepper's performance looked l ...
The birth of one of Australia’s rarest marine predators has injected critical genetic diversity into the zoo’s captive insurance population.
“including those with flippers and even lost members of Lou Seal’s family.” A sea lion pup wandered onto the road at the Candlestick Point exit off northbound Highway 101 on Wednesday Feb ...
Marine rescuers saved an injured seal pup from a beach at a Delaware state park, photos show. Screen grab of the Marine Education, Research and Rehabilitation Institute's post on Facebook A baby ...