For years, scientists believed that all aspects of prosody were primarily processed in the superior temporal gyrus, a brain region known for speech perception. Bharath Chandrasekaran, the study's ...
The Speech and Hearing Research Group is concerned with computational modelling of auditory and speech perception in humans and machines; robustness in speech recognition and large vocabulary speech ...
Even without lipreading, the ABI may help with speech perception. Specifically, it may help people follow the rhythm of speech and the rise and fall of vocalizations. The ABI doesn’t work for ...
Particularly encouraging were results from formal speech perception tests in which the child demonstrated improvement from week 48 to week 72 and correctly identified words – such as mommy ...
Her PhD research focused on auditory-visual speech perception in noise for older and younger adults. As a Postdoctoral Researcher at the Adult Language Processing and Disorders Lab, University of ...