Several meteorites brush past our Earth's atmosphere ... ã…¤ ã…¤ ã…¤ ã…¤ ã…¤ ã…¤ These glassy blobs were known as tektites and they were molten terrestrial rocks that were scattered from Indochina ...
This material included tektites—natural glass formed from meteorite impacts—and zircon crystals that underwent intense shock from the explosion. These shocked minerals serve as key geological ...
Head to the back of the Minerals gallery to see a display of tektites from central Europe and the Ivory Coast. Alongside are three meteorites: Tenham (Queensland, Australia, 1879), Henbury (Northern ...
The team obtained the 431.3-gram Paitan main mass and 3.3-gram Pampanga fragment from Dieter Heinlein, a German meteoriticist collecting meteorites and tektites since 1978. Mar Christian Cruz ...