Research shows that as urban development booms, this salamander's population declines — and with good reason, since development exposes the sensitive amphibian, its eggs and its invertebrate prey to ...
Living in complete darkness alongside prey that was also blind, the salamanders simply didn't need to see, and energy used for sight would only be wasted. Today, only two small black dots just ...
Salamanders eat things that bigger consumers can't eat and are themselves prey for other animals, meaning salamanders punch ...
Its skull alone was over two feet long. It lay in wait, its jaws open wide, preparing to clamp down its interlocking jaws on any prey unwise enough to swim past. Meet Gaiasia jennyae, the swamp ...
In anticipation of the crossing, the town has agreed to close a portion of the road for one night during the frog-pocalypse in order to grant them car-free passage across the road.
“Few may ever be fortunate enough to see one of these intriguing salamanders, but their habitat is important, and they play a crucial role in the web of life, helping to control insect populations and ...
"These were predatory animals that fed on fishes and other prey, but were primarily linked to the water, just like modern amphibians such as frogs and salamanders. We know that climates then were ...