The Edison and Ford Winter Estates in Fort Myers once served as a winter home for Thomas Edison, Henry Ford and Harvey Firestone.
Louisville's Thomas Edison House is celebrating the 140th Anniversary of Edison's 1879 incandescent lamp patent with an Open House. On Saturday, October 20th from 1 p.m. - 6 p.m., experience ...
Thomas Edison is best known for his contributions ... and budget-friendly for the average working-class family at $1,200 per house. Edison saw his idea as a potential solution for cities with ...
YAWATA, Kyoto Prefecture--Iwashimizu Hachimangu shrine here is a government-designated national treasure, but it is also home to a relatively unknown monument dedicated to Thomas Edison (1847-1931).
Thomas Edison was born in Milan, Ohio, on February 11, 1847. Edison’s father, Samuel, was a shingle maker and land speculator, while his mother, Nancy, kept house and taught young Edison at home.
Ten buildings in legendary inventor Thomas Edison's plant, which comprised more ... or locked himself in his house in a state of depression. But instead, he put on a smile and told his son to ...