The bundle should remain available for at least two weeks, although the period could be longer. The bundle's official art ...
Valorant offers skin collections with immersive VFX and SFX that enhance the gaming experience. Highlights include the steampunk-inspired Magepunk, the AI-driven Protocol 781-A with dystopian ...
When Valorant was Project: A and little was known about the game, Riot made one thing clear – it would be a game for skin collectors.
and variants with the skin line. Priced at 8700VP, players will also get an Araxys Gun Buddy, Araxys Card and an Araxys Spray. The new battlepass and ARAXYS skins will be available with the VALORANT ...
Valorant offers skin collections with immersive VFX and SFX that enhance the gaming experience. Highlights include the steampunk-inspired Magepunk, the AI-driven Protocol 781-A with dystopian ...