Research on hidden structures deep within Earth’s mantle challenges theories about our planet’s middle layer and could ...
The Earth’s mantle, a massive layer of rock beneath the crust, is the “engine” of plate tectonics. Stretching nearly 2,900 kilometers deep, it shapes much of the planet’s geology and ...
To find out, the team used whole-Earth oscillation data from 104 past earthquakes to create a detailed 3D model of the upper ...
Both supercontinents formed over what is now the African domain A new study reveals that Earth's mantle is divided by the Pacific Ring of Fire, a geological scar reflecting the formation and ...
Continent-size islands deep inside Earth's mantle could be more than a billion years old, a new study finds.
These ancient buried "super-continents"—known to scientists as large low-seismic-velocity provinces (LLSVPs)—were found ...
Nobody knew what they are, and whether they are only a temporary phenomenon, or if they have been sitting there for millions ...
A new way of measuring structures deep inside Earth has highlighted numerous previously unknown blobs within our planet's ...
Long-lost remnants of tectonic plates have been discovered sunken deep inside the Earth's mantle. These plate remains were found lurking underneath the center of other continental plates ...
According to scientists from the California Institute of Technology and Swiss research university ETH Zurich, a new method for analyzing the Earth’s mantle — the layer below the crust and abov ...
No one can see inside the Earth. Nor can anyone drill deep enough to take rock samples from the mantle, the layer between the Earth's core and outermost, rigid layer, the lithosphere, or measure ...