The Will County Center for Correctional Concerns provides free GED tests for detainees at the jail, but needs donations.
Faced with the prospect of a more difficult testing process and computerization of the tests, many Hutchinson-area residents flocked to the Hutchinson Adult Basic Education program this fall. They ...
They may also prepare adults who never finished high school and want a GED diploma. The need is obvious: The high school dropout rate in 2015 was nearly 6 percent, according to data from the ...
Adult Options in Education’s GED Graduation ceremony is scheduled for 7 p.m. Tuesday, June 5, at the Hopkins Center for the Arts. It’s not too late for adults to pass their GED tests ...
Now, Dawson is hopeful again after achieving another significant goal of hers: Earning a GED diploma while incarcerated at the Escambia County Jail. Having spent time in and out of jail since ...