There are many native and exotic trees and shrubs suitable for planting during the late autumn to early winter dormant season ...
The ideal time to assess winter injury to trees and shrubs is after new growth begins to emerge in the spring. Some injuries may not show symptoms until later in the growing season, which can make ...
When you've always known deciduous trees to drop their leaves in winter, seeing one that hasn't can be unsettling. Here's why ...
Sometimes by this time in February, the hellebores planted many years ago in a flower bed are showing buds, but that hasn’t ...
One thing you’ll want to leave off your landscaping to-do list, at least for a while, is pruning your oak trees. February marks the beginning of oak wilt season — a disease that can bring down even ...
This year's dry winter and weather pattern swings over the past decade impacting Illinois forests and home gardens ...
This phenomenon, called marcescence, adds a unique dimension to the winter landscape, and gives me something to ponder while ...
One way trees endure winter is through adaptations in their bark. With the deciduous leaves long gone, the winter forest has been laid bare, giving us the perfect conditions to attune ourselves to the ...