The Legend of Zelda franchise is home to an assortment of spinoffs and side adventures, and one sub-series would be perfect ...
E very since the Dynasty Warriors franchise first debuted, it has become very common for Koei to offer their services to ...
However, most characters have an impact on the game and its story in some way, regardless of how important they may be. This ...
The Shrines in the Hyrule Field would be one of the first ones you are able to find in Zelda: Tears of the Kingdom. This Region is located at the center, the heart of Hyrule Kingdom. While the ...
The Legend of Zelda has a few spinoffs, most notably Hyrule Warriors, but this forgotten spinoff series focuses on an unusual character.
A dedicated Zelda fan builds incredible renditions of Hyrule Castle and The Temple of Time out of LEGO, including stunningly ...
We've had glimpses of a playable Zelda before Echoes of Wisdom, but only ever in spin-offs including the Hyrule Warriors games, Cadence of Hyrule, and a couple of those cursed CD-i games.
The Minish Cap created a new kind of magical fantasy by showing us an unseen side of Hyrule at microscopic scale.