This is, in essence, a gender apartheid, and that’s exactly what Afghan women activists and other humant rights experts are ...
We spend too much of our lives working to waste our time at a toxic job. I founded the Best Practice Institute, a research ...
T hese days the deliberation about the future of our country is heated and there is a certain anthropocentrism and lack of ...
What may have started as a challenge to temporarily stop drinking has evolved into larger groups of ‘sober curious’ people ...
The workplace is becoming a battleground over polarized opinions. Business leaders need to get better about managing disputes ...
I’m not bothered about defending that. I don’t really crave that kind of status. I play to win and for my own reasons.
While we won’t be taking the freedom to travel for granted ever again post-pandemic, we owe a lot to these trailblazing women who were pioneers in exploring the world in the past 100 years.
Siedzisz w knajpie i dostajesz SMS-a: sorry, nie dotrę. I koniec znajomości, taki człowiek już się potem nie odzywa – o ...
Nie chciaÅ‚em, żeby córka o pierwszej menstruacji dowiedziaÅ‚a siÄ™ od kogoÅ› innego. UsiadÅ‚em z niÄ… przy stole w kuchni, ...
Konstanty mówi, że jego rodzina jest niÄ… tylko z nazwy. Z domu wyprowadziÅ‚ siÄ™ trzy tygodnie przed osiemnastkÄ…. ZnalazÅ‚ siÄ™ ...
PoÅ›ród moich chorobliwych fantazji jest i ta, w której wyobrażam sobie w drugiej turze wyborów prezydenckich starcie ...