Our planet's climate is changing, which means that the challenge for humanity is now not just development, but ...
However, on the eve of the war, Ukrainian governments directed all incentives in the form of subsidies to wards bolstering ...
Meanwhile, in the Ukrainian and Western information space, reports also appeared about the alleged involvement of the North ...
Will Ukraine receive an official invitation to join NATO by the end of Biden's presidency: what are the prospects ...
Thanks to the efforts of the Presidential Office, Ukraine has been held hostage by smugglers and is unlikely to get out ...
On a cold, damp autumn morning in 2022, in a leaky, drafty and leaking cluttered hangar, Deputy Prime Minister of Ukraine ...
Only Ukraine's membership in the North Atlantic Treaty Organization (NATO) can guarantee lasting peace, security and ...
This topic is of great concern to experts since, under the guise of Azerbaijani gas supplies, there is a real threat that the ...
Российские войска в субботу, 26 октября, ударили по городу Константиновка Донецкой области двумя авиационными бомбами. В ...
26-летний Александр Маккартни из Северной Ирландии был приговорен к пожизненному заключению с минимальным сроком в 20 лет за ...
Магучих стала первой украинкой, которой удалось получить звание легкоатлетки года в Европе. Отметим, что в 2013-м году эту ...
Закон Украины, разрешающий иностранцам и лицам без гражданства проходить службу в ВСУ по контракту на офицерских должностях, ...