Planck tried a mathematical trick ... just because an electron or a photon can be thought of as a particle, doesn't mean they can't still be though of as a wave as well. In fact, in a lot of ...
director and structural biologist at the Max Planck Institute of Biochemistry, have now worked out how the matrix protein rearranges during maturation into the infectious particle. They used the ...
As Planck put it, science progresses one funeral ... But at the same time, the textbooks say the rotation of the particle is still somehow perfectly described by classical physics.
However, for this research, rather than searching in abstract particle physics ... now a postdoctoral researcher at the Max Planck Institute of Quantum Optics. While experiments to detect ...
Rainfall triggers bursts of natural nanoparticles, which contribute to cloud formation and additional precipitation over the ...
On the brane at the other side of the extra dimension to us (known as the Planck brane), any particle masses are ultra-heavy. But if you work out what happens to their masses along the extra ...
Max Planck was told that there was nothing new to be discovered in physics. He was about to embark on a career in physics that would set that idea on its ear. Planck was an extremely successful ...