Shells sometimes hold technological feats that we believed were limited to human laboratories. By studying the shells of a particular mollusk, researchers have discovered a unique capability to ...
It is a system that lives, reproduces, undergoes natural selection, and can die. A chemist from the Laboratory of Physics of Ionic and Molecular Interactions has proposed a model in which a molecule, ...
Electric cars could soon recharge in record time. An American company has unveiled an innovative battery that enables a vehicle to charge in just 10 minutes, thanks to a new technology. The company ...
In Australia, a disturbing event is making headlines. Hundreds of samples of highly dangerous viruses have vanished from a Queensland laboratory, raising major questions about biological safety and ...
4,000 years ago, screams echoed from the depths of a cave in England. On this site, remains now tell a chilling tale. An entire community fell victim to such extreme violence that it leaves scientists ...
A strain of cholera resistant to multiple antibiotics has spread from Yemen and has reached Mayotte. This development may render current treatments obsolete. Since 2018, a particularly resistant ...
"For the first time, we have successfully captured a close-up image of a dying star in a galaxy located beyond our Milky Way," explains Keiichi Ohnaka, an astrophysicist at Universidad Andrés Bello in ...
Astuce: l'extension Simple Price Alerts (lien) vous permet d'être averti automatiquement d'une baisse de prix sur Amazon, ...
L'intelligence artificielle (IA) pourrait-elle redéfinir ce que signifie être humain ? Alors que cette technologie s'immisce ...
La formation des gisements d'or a toujours intrigué les scientifiques. Une découverte récente pourrait bien éclaircir ce ...
Les atomes, ces minuscules constituants de la matière, sont invisibles à l'œil nu, mais leur interaction façonne notre ...
Bon plan et code promo - Banggood détruit le prix du vélo électrique ESKUTE Netuno PLUS avec capteur de couple ...