Trump suffers another big defeat as judge blocks federal worker buyout; president plots Christian task force: Live - ...
Dogs roam free in downtown Poplar, where the Ten Commandments are written on some ... out “Spotted Owl Tastes Like Chicken” bumper stickers, which he and a friend sold by the thousands in ...
Driving down 101 the other day, I noticed a bumper sticker I’ve seen for years ... Do we need to post the Ten Commandments on school walls and cross our fingers in the hope it will help our ...
Alabama leaders, however, say they are doing what the voters want and are confident the laws will be upheld by the courts.
• What about placing a fake "security system" sticker or "dummy" camera at your home or business ... God is holy and pure and no sin can be of Him. The Ten Commandments are a reflection of this ...
A bill to require the prominent display of the Ten Commandments in all Idaho public schools was introduced Friday with no discussion.
If passed, House Joint Resolution 15 would include the monument’s installation on the new state capitol grounds.
Two Kentucky lawmakers say that should involve the Ten Commandments. Rep. Josh Calloway's bill would make displaying the Ten Commandments in public schools a requirement. "It would be a 16x20 inch ...
A bill before the Montana Legislature insists that every public school must prominently feature at least an 11 inch-by-14 inch framed version of the Ten Commandments. This initiative, while ...
HELENA, Mont. — Just hours after its first hearing, legislators advanced a bill that would require the 10 commandments to be displayed in every public school building and classroom in the state.