The Acehnese capital's "sharia police" is planning to ramp up patrols and public campaigns to ensure compliance with Islamic law during the holy fasting month, which is expected to begin on March 1 ...
The Banda Aceh Public Order Agency and Wilayatul Hisbah (Satpol PP WH), or "shariah police", plans to intensify monitoring during Ramadan to prevent violations of Islamic law under a mandate from the ...
Rescues of Rohingya refugees are both an expression of Hukôm Adat La'ôt and the Acehnese cultural norm of Pemulia Jamee, the welcoming of guests. However, these rescues have brought fishermen into ...
While gay sex is not illegal elsewhere in Indonesia, it is outlawed in the conservative Aceh province, which imposes a ...
Huge numbers of the persecuted and stateless Rohingya community live in squalid relief camps in Bangladesh, most arriving ...
Bunyi Bunyi Bumi was a challenging new dance commission for Asia TOPA 2025. Combining the creative talents of Aboriginal, Torres Strait Islander and Indonesian artists, the performance explored the ...