The city of Austin is in the process of revisiting its rules surrounding electric scooters and e-bikes — and wants community ...
Willie Pipkin made the catch in February, and Texas Parks and Wildlife brought the enormous fish to a hatchery where it will ...
Born Oct. 24, 1940, Emanuel, who grew up in Houston and moved to Austin in 1978, founded Victor Emanuel Nature Tours in 1976.
Vaccines could be a way to suppress bird flu in the U.S. and avoid the slaughter of millions of chickens amid the rising ...
If there is high suspicion for bird flu, the Texas Animal Health Commission will send a foreign analysis diagnostician to ...
Though it may not be as “weird” as it used to be, Austin still flaunts its eccentricities, notably on view over South By ...
The ongoing drought in Central Texas impacted wildflower sprouts through the fall and winter. A different variety of wildflowers could crop up.
The Fannie Davis Gazebo, built in 1969, has been designated as a historical landmark by the City of Austin due to its unique ...
The Film and Television Festival, once the neglected middle child of the event, has been ascendent in the fest's ...
The city's first modern light-rail system would run in dedicated lanes on city streets with priority at traffic signals.
The $7 billion light rail project unveiled its draft environmental impact statement in January. The project could face ...