HAMBURG: The lowest price offered in the tender from Bangladesh’s state grains buyer to purchase 50,000 metric ...
Drug maker Glenmark Pharmaceuticals Ltd has received a demand notice of Rs 121.25 crore, seeking tax, interest, and penalties ...
U.S. WTI Midland and North Sea Forties crude differentials rose on Monday, while Ekofisk weakened. PLATTS WINDOW * Indications are free on board (FOB) unless marked as cost, insurance and freight (CIF ...
BUCHAREST, Feb. 10 (Xinhua) -- Romania's trade deficit widened by 15.3 percent in 2024, reaching 33.393 billion euros (34.4 billion U.S. dollars), an increase of 4.4 billion euros from the previous ...
The government of Rwanda plans to implement new tax policy reforms which are part of its medium-term strategy to broaden the tax base, increase revenue mobilisation and streamline operations in order ...
Rwanda’s Cabinet, on Monday, February 10, approved legal instruments implementing medium term domestic resource mobilisation measures, including taxes and levies to strengthen financing for the second ...
Are you looking to import a classic or vintage car to India after the recent relaxation of import rules for 50 year and older ...
Manufacturers and clearing agents in Nigeria’s trade sector have raised opposition to the four percent FOB charge on imports ...
Rwanda has exempted mobile phones from taxes to boost digital penetration but that feel-good factor is no more worth the government hiking taxes on cigarettes and fuel as well ...
Let's catch up on the latest news from the stock market. From significant investments to major deals, order wins, and ...
India is set to revise import tariffs on over 30 items, including luxury automobiles and solar cells, potentially increasing imports from the United States, according to a senior official from the ...