British couple give up home to tour Canada with cat in ‘Vaniel Craig’ - They’ve traded a traditional house for life on the ...
An Ontario woman was reunited with her beloved pet cat 7 years and 4 months after he went missing, thanks to the animal's ...
Questions are mounting in Canada and in Europe over whether big-ticket purchases of high-end U.S. weaponry, such as the F-35 ...
Minnesota has the third-largest lynx population in the United States, after Alaska and Maine. Current estimates for lynx vary ...
When Montreal cat behaviour expert Daniel Filion speaks at conferences in Canada and France, he often gets asked the same question: Do our cats love us? Mr. Filion, who founded the company ...
"That's when I really broke down," she said. Howie, who trains Shetland Sheepdogs, runs an unregistered cat rescue out of her home near the Walter Baker Sports Centre in Barrhaven. "They were ...
The last time a party pulled off three or more consecutive majorities in Ontario was a string of eight mandates the PCs won ...
Colleen Cassady St. Clair is a professor of biological sciences at University of Alberta. She says that bobcats are a natural ...
Two young cougar kittens who were recently reported to have been seen wandering without their mother in Alberta’s Bow Valley have been captured and are now being temporarily cared for by the Calgary ...
Dead cats found on dairy farms have sometimes been ... In New York City, the virus has killed wild birds, including red-tailed hawks and Canada geese, as well as poultry for sale at live bird ...
Gnocchi "doesn't like to play with anyone else," so when her owner slept in, she did nothing other than wait for him to get ...