The travel industry is seeing a spike in vacationers looking to take spiritual trips to prioritize mindfulness, faith and ...
A British Airways plane was struck by lightning during a storm in Sao Paulo on January 24, delaying its takeoff. Passenger Bernhard Warr captured video of the lightning strike while waiting to board.
The annual list of the country's top 100 tourist attractions includes the five royal palaces of Seoul, Purple Island in Jeollanam-do Province and Udo Island near Jeju Island. The Ministry of Culture, ...
Current local time in Sao_Paulo (America/Sao_Paulo timezone). Get information about the America/Sao_Paulo time zone. Local time and date, DST adjusted (where ever daylight saving time is applicable) ...
With a capacity of 20,000, the O2 Arena hosts some of the planet’s biggest musicians Credit: Shutterstock But an even greater roster of planned infrastructure projects or tourism attractions ...
The São Paulo Metro has announced a long-term contract for self-production of solar and wind energy with CGN Brasil and Pontoon Energia. The 15-year partnership will begin in 2027 and will ensure ...
São Paulo – Saudi mining company Ma’aden will open an office in São Paulo and is expected to invest up to USD 1.3 billion in Brazil, according to information released on Tuesday (14) by Brazil’s Mines ...