Indonesia is the third-largest producer of cocoa in the world, behind Cote D’Ivoire and Ghana, according to the United ...
“Now it will help the tree grow new fruit,” farmer Tari Santoso says with a smile. Cocoa trees are high maintenance: Grown only near the equator, they require a precise combination of steady ...
TANJUNG REJO, Indonesia (AP) — The loud whirr of a chainsaw sounds through the forest as a small group of farmers gathers around a tree filled with red seed pods. With one slow stroke, a severed ...
comprises of 75 cooperative unions from nine cocoa-growing regions in the country. Prior to the formation of the Association, cocoa farmers’ cooperative unions, each comprising of various cooperatives ...
Known as the Ghana Cooperative Cocoa Farmers and Marketing Association Limited (GCCFA), the association—the first of its kind—comprises 75 cooperative unions from nine cocoa-growing regions ...
“Now it will help the tree grow new fruit,” farmer Tari Santoso says with a smile. Thousands of cocoa farmers across Indonesia like Santoso are working with businesses and other organisations ...
A Midstate based nonprofit that helps thousands of kids needs some help itself. “Cocoa Packs is a weekend food assistance ...
Cocoa farmers’ cooperatives in Ghana are being admonished to shed partisan shackles and restructure their focus and mission on fighting for farmers’ rights and cocoa’s future. Cooperatives ...