AI Factory Sudoku is an above-average Sudoku game developed by a fairly reliable developer. The game includes 1,500 Sudoku puzzles across five difficulties. Additionally, the game offers stat ...
Six armed suspects were killed in a shootout with the police in Gcuwa, in the Eastern Cape, on Thursday afternoon. The shootout happened on the N2 near Ndabakazi village. News24 reliably understands ...
You can now play an even larger range of puzzles on our site, every weekday and now also every Saturday. Check out our brand new puzzles below, from Hangman to Add Up and even a Jigsaw. Of course ...
The Italian government is reported to be using the current slump in chip markets as a reason to replace ST’s French CEO Jean-Marc Chéry (pictured), reports Les Echos Although the Italian and French ...
Two year 11 Gladstone Park Secondary College students have been suspended and police are investigating the circulation of explicit, AI-generated photos of female pupils. Fawkner Sexual Offences ...
Detské ihrisko na sídlisku Sekier, v blízkosti priemyselnej zóny, je tiež pravidelne zaprášené sadzami. Sťažujú sa vraj na to viaceré mamičky, ktoré si všimli, že ich deťom zostáva na oblečení čierny ...
Už v 30. rokoch 20. storočia sa na trhu objavili prvé detské sedačky. Ich účel bol však pre dnešného rodiča prekvapujúci – slúžili viac na to, aby dieťa videlo cez okno alebo bolo v dosahu rodiča, než ...
Projektový manažér ministerstva zdravotníctva (MZ) pre reformu ZZS Gaston Ivanov po rokovaní vlády priblížil, že zmeny prinesú zavedenie nových liniek pomoci 116, 117, nové indikačné kritériá, nové ...
TWO candidate forums have been scheduled to give voters the opportunity to hear from the people who want to represent them in federal Parliament.
The longstanding border dispute between Maharashtra and Karnataka has again flared up following an attack on a bus driver and conductor in Belagavi for allegedly not speaking Marathi. The incident, ...