IBM announced plans to supply Fundación Ikerbasque (the Basque Foundation for Science) with a quantum computer in March 2023.
The Basque Government, and IBM (NYSE: IBM) today announced plans to install Europe's first IBM Quantum System Two at the ...
IBM ismaking significant strides in the quantum computing field with plans to install Europe's first IBM Quantum System Two ...
The Basque Government, and IBM (IBM) announced plans to install Europe’s first IBM Quantum System Two at the IBM-Euskadi Quantum Computational ...
To see a new side of Spain, plan a trip to the Basque Country (or Euskadi as it's known by the fiercely independent, ...
Basque Country is unlike the rest of Spain. With their own Basque language called Euskara, Basque culture, Euskadi cuisine and a proud history, you’ll feel this unique spirit and a warm welcome ...
"The IBM-Euskadi Quantum Computational Center's dedicated IBM Quantum System Two will give Spain's quantum community of researchers, developers, and industry experts unparalleled access to our ...
Members of the IBM-Euskadi Quantum Computational Center intend ... and the Basque Foundation for Science in the Basque Country of Spain at the IBM Thomas J Watson Research Center in Yorktown ...
IBM and Basque Government announce plan to install Europe's first IBM Quantum System Two at the IBM-Euskadi Quantum ...