If you’re noticing itchy eyes and a scratchy throat, you might be experiencing a return of seasonal allergies.
Pollen exposure is lasting longer and intensifying nationwide, data shows, as warmer temperatures take over more of the year.
Discover whether you should fertilize your trees and learn about the benefits, timing, and methods of tree fertilization.
The county started using its crews and resources Tuesday to clean up storm-battered areas in unincorporated north, south and ...
In a report released Tuesday by The Asthma and Allergy Foundation of America (AAFA), Greenville ranks number 9 out of 10 ...
ONLY those with the expert eyes of a hawk will be able to spot the hidden British Army sniper camouflaging himself in the ...
In this otherwise pristine wilderness, bits of bright yellow crime scene tape assault the eyes and whisper of something ...
With the spring-like weather we've been having in Wisconsin, you might be getting the itch to start planting trees, shrubs, ...
The hemlock woolly adelgid has invaded two more Michigan counties, threatening trees in 11 counties total. VAN BUREN COUNTY, ...
Mississippi is once again in the national spotlight as residents across the state work to clean up after the weekend’s deadly tornadoes.
When I went to pick it up, the leaves fell off the branch very easily. It was next to a knobbly-looking tree where the leaves that were still attached were green, and the tree didn’t look native.
The Met Office suggests that around 25% of hay fever sufferers are affected by tree pollen. Grass pollen, on the other hand, ...