The turret mooring system in an FPSO is a major component of total capital expenditure. There are a number of companies active in supplying this equipment, including: • Single Buoy Moorings (SBM ...
The FSO is permanently moored at the bow using an external turret mooring system supplied by SOFEC of the U.S. and MODEC of Japan. The accommodation house is arranged at the bow so as to keep it ...
Once tapped by subsea wells, hydrocarbons are transmitted through flowlines to risers, which transport the oil and gas from the seafloor to the vessel's turret and then to the FPSO on the water's ...
All risers, umbilicals and monitoring system transceivers are integrated into a turret buoy which can be disconnected from the FPSO allowing it to move off-station when there is a threat to the ...
The FPSO is turret moored, with a hull built using BW Offshore's RapidFramework design. The topsides processing deck, which is supported by the hull, weighs 45,000 tonnes. The new floater ...
The contract has a firm period of 10 years with an option to extend up to five years. The FSO will be a newbuild double-hull vessel with storage capacity around 500,000 barrels and advanced dual ...