Affectionately known as the whale tale, the wing provided the car with downforce, and interestingly one of the wing's designers took his inspiration from the WW1 Fokker DR1 triplane, with a three ...
Eight decades after a Dutch Fokker D.VII Fighter was looted by Nazis, the World War I-era fighter biplane is set to return to the Netherlands, the National Military Museum (NMM) located there ...
The island nation seeks to replace the Fokker 50 Enforcer maritime patrol aircraft (MPA) that its air force has had in service for more than 30 years. Singapore’s Defense Minister, Ng Eng Hen ...
Ni danskere stiger ombord på en bus mod det ukendte: Destination X. Deres opgave undervejs er at gætte, hvor de er. Der er bare ét problem. Bussens ruder er blændet, så de rejser i blinde. Gennem ...
Amerikansk actionkomedie fra 2017. Den fanden-i-voldske ruteflypilot Barry Seal keder sig i sit job. Så da CIA beder ham flyve undercover for dem i stedet, siger han straks ja. Snart er Barry i gang ...
And of course, for those in Greater Santo Domingo, there is the Sunday, 2 March 2025 city carnival parade on the Malecon. DR1 Forums remain open 24/7 for publishing updates. The news for the ...
Two-time Dominican Olympic gold medallist Félix Sánchez and his wife, fellow Dominican star athlete María Dimitrova, have announced that they are expecting a baby. As reported in Noticias SIN, the ...
Previously flown under Part 135 and meticulously maintained, this 1982 Beechcraft King Air C90 sports refreshed hot sections and recently overhauled props. A Garmin suite delivers a quality ...
Det er navnene på de otte MGP-finalister, som hele Danmark nu skal lære at kende, når går løs den 22. februar på DR1 og DRTV direkte fra Jyske Bank Boxen i Herning. De to værter Jonas Madsen og Sælma ...
You can create a release to package software, along with release notes and links to binary files, for other people to use. Learn more about releases in our docs.
The Belgian and Hungarian Air Forces will both returning to The Royal International Air Tattoo to contribute to the static displays: ...