Firefighters show higher rates of glioma-linked SBS42 mutational signatures associated with haloalkane exposure, suggesting ...
Here are five recent innovative bioprinting and bioink studies that are building synthetic biological structures.
Traumatic brain injury, stroke, and degenerative diseases elicit complex pathogenic cascades involving glial cells such as astrocytes, microglia, and ...
A new study compares three types of blood biomarkers: neurofilament light chain proteins, glial acidic proteins and phosphorylated tau 181.
In a recently published review, researchers led by Prof. Wu Qingfeng at the Institute of Genetics and Developmental Biology ...
A molecule called glial fibrillary acidic protein (GFAP) rose significantly in the blood of patients who underwent ...
Complex housing offers varied stimulating conditions. The aim is to enhance cognitive and physical development, as well as overall wellbeing and social interaction benefits.
Poor sleep among older adults is linked to disruptions in the brain's 'waste removal system', according to researchers. A recent study offers valuable insight into how sleep quality impacts brain ...
New research by Yale has found an association between exposure to chemicals commonly used in firefighting and incidence of a brain tumor called a glioma in firefights, suggesting that the cancer may ...
ALS, or amyotrophic lateral sclerosis, can sometimes be difficult to diagnose or to predict how quickly the disease is likely to progress. A new study helps determine which blood tests are best at ...
Neurofilament light chain and glial fibrillary acidic protein level increases were associated with cognitive decline in T2D with obesity.
For female patients with glioma, pregnancy after receiving a diagnosis of glioma is associated with worse progression-free ...