“Get more fiber from fruits and vegetables and eat prebiotic foods, like garlic, onions and asparagus to feed good gut ...
Turns out, the bacteria in your gut have food preferences of their own. Here’s how a colorful plate feeds the bacteria that ...
Discover the link between gut health and skin appearance, plus practical dietary changes that can help reduce acne breakouts ...
Sipping on a cup of joe is an easy way to infuse some much-need pleasure into a hectic morning or slow afternoon at work. But ...
Coconut Cult yogurt is taking over the internet as a probiotic powerhouse that will fix your gut health. A dietitian explains ...
Instead of hitting his protein targets with ultra-processed shakes and bars or red meat, Dr. Rupy Aujla eats a 75% ...
A new review highlights how gut microbiome imbalances contribute to cardiovascular disease by altering short-chain fatty ...
In the future, therapies that focus on gut health—whether through diet, medication, or nerve stimulation—could be used to ...
Board-Certified Functional Health Coach Anu Simh recently joined Gayle Guyardo, host of the globally syndicated health and ...
Discover how gut bacteria may influence multiple sclerosis progression and severity. Research reveals specific bacterial ...
Research shows that certain foods really can help with depression and stress. Here’s why—and which foods help most.
Your gut health may be more closely related to mental health conditions, including ADHD, than you think. Learn the connection ...