Poleg tega platforma poudarja tehnologijo "Provably Fair", ki zagotavlja, da so vse igre pregledne in poštene, kar igralcem omogoča mirno uživanje v svojih najljubših igrah. Ponudba dobrodošlice pri ...
Fortnite bo še letos prišel na naprave Windows s Qualcommovimi čipi Snapdragon, ki temeljijo na tehnologiji Arm. Epic Games ...
Več BC.Game je na našem seznamu spletnih mest za igre na srečo z BTC zaradi prilagodljivosti storitve tega operaterja. Je eden redkih, ki ponuja športno stavnico, spletno igralnico in spletni loto na ...
Gre za dogodek, ki ga ne gre zamuditi za ljubitelje in profesionalce slavne strateške igre podjetja Riot Games. Preberite, kaj je novega na letošnjem dogodku. [Preberi več] Valorant Champions ...
ki bo vsem navdušencem omogočil osebno doživetje igre League of Legends," pojasnjuje Artem Bykov, komisar LEC pri Riot Games. Poudarja tudi pomen sodelovanja z ekipo Karmine Corp, ki slovi po ...
When talking about the best FPS games, the competition can be fierce. The genre is broad enough that almost any game where you point a gun becomes a contender, and that makes finding what you want ...
Which games are coming out in 2025? If you’re anything like us, your time is already stretched trying to play all the great games out right now, and the year isn’t slowing down any time soon.
The best PC games in 2025 are those that make the most of the powerful hardware they're available on, and the vast and varied library that can be downloaded. Because of this, you never really know ...
What are the best new PC games in 2025? Perhaps you’ve just been paid, your bank account is filled with virtual dosh, or you simply want to get caught up with the latest PC games because they ...
For now, we know what it looks like, that most Switch games will be playable on it, and that there's a new Mario Kart on the way. Now it's just a short wait before a Direct in April is set to ...
Košarka je igra številnih vidikov, ki vplivajo na končni razplet. V večini je govora o napadu in obrambi, a so v ozadju kdaj tudi psihološke igrice med igralci. Mojster tovrstnih prijemov je bil kontr ...
V ligi NBA je v noči na ponedeljek na sporedu osem tekem. Začelo se je pozno popoldne z derbijem zahodne konference med ...
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