It might come as a bombshell or like one raising dust, but simply, it was out of curiosity that I literarily devoured the Bible to know if there was any time Jesus laughed, any day during his lifetime ...
So Jesus, who is often referred to in the bible as “Jesus Of Nazareth” or “Jesus the Nazarene” due to his birthplace, would’ve been “Yeshu Narazene” in ancient Aramaic. So how did ...
BY CAREY KINSOLVING & FRIENDS “Lazarus died and he was Jesus’ buddy,” says Samuel, 5. We don’t often think of Jesus as having ...
Jesus drew a picture of himself and he sent it to the world so we would know what he looked like,” says Jonah, 7.
Jesus was not born on a 'silent night ... there's no room in the inn' to Mary and Joseph. However, this character does not appear in the Bible - and neither does the stable.