In 1 John 1:6-10, we're reminded of his willingness to forgive and reconcile us back to him. Verse 9 says, "If we confess our sins, he is faithful and just to forgive us, and to cleanse us from all ...
Why did Jesus tell people to make offerings in the Temple? Why did Paul call himself a Pharisee? The Bible’s answer might surprise you.
It might come as a bombshell or like one raising dust, but simply, it was out of curiosity that I literarily devoured the Bible to know if there was any time Jesus laughed, any day during his lifetime ...
Philip Shenon’s “Jesus Wept” looks at the church since World War II, with particular focus on the clerical abuse crisis and ...
But with faith, any one of us can feel the Spirit doing the job of inspiring us, of encouraging us, of leading us in the ...
We must recognize that reaching the LGBT community, like any other group, is ultimately a work of the Holy Spirit.
Isaiah 28:23 — "Listen and hear my voice; pay attention and hear what I say." ...
In a message at Five-Fold Church, apostle Kathryn Krick spoke about how this season is a time where God is seeking to ...
In proposed legislation, the state of North Dakota is trying to pass a bill which publicly acknowledges Jesus as King over ...
Women In the New Evangelization retreat last year, Alyssa Bormes met a woman who had previously been away from the Church for over 40 years.