An aircraft carrier is leaving its home at the Navy Yard in South Philadelphia to make its final journey on Thursday morning.
Read the timeline. The Kennedys lived through and ... the Bushes. Using both John F. Kennedy and George W. Bush as examples, write a newspaper editorial of about 750 words arguing either that ...
VIDEO PREVIEW: Leadership in a nuclear world [opens in a new window] Key players: Cuban leader Fidel Castro (top left), Soviet leader Nikita Khrushchev (bottom left) and U.S. President John F ...
On September 26, students from WRU turned out to Cleveland's Lakefront Airport to greet John F. Kennedy and provided an "Honor Guard" for a rally at Euclid Beach Park. The next day, Kennedy's ...
Born into a prominent American family, Robert Kennedy grew up in the public eye. He and his wife, Ethel Skakel, started their own family in 1950. By the time of Kennedy's 1968 assassination, it ...
The presidency of John F. Kennedy (JFK) took place in the context of super-charged international relations: face-offs with ...