The Dark Universe failed Dracula, the Mummy and the Creature from the Black Lagoon, but you might not realize they've gotten ...
And that's just the first 20 minutes. The original Mummy Imhotep (Arnold Vosloo) does return as advertised, along with his old flame Anck-Su-Namun (played by the splendidly curvaceous Venezuelan ...
The plot - which is well-nigh incomprehensible and occasionally gets a fleeting gesture by an "amusingly" accelerated line of exposition - involves the original slaphead Mummy Imhotep (Arnold ...
The Mummy finds the legend at the height of his powers. Sure, the screenplay by John L. Balderston and direction from Karl Fruend begins with Karloff’s Imhotep in his signature bandages ...
Vasloo might be most familiar to moviegoers for his portrayal of Imhotep in "The Mummy." "Sitting down and handling the business of being creative ... herein lies the fun. When you hire people of ...
Laws of Man' writer/director Phil Blattenberger can tie his passion for moviemaking to his childhood in the Smithsburg area.