The Soloviev Foundation announced today its collaboration with the Museum of the American Revolution and Donna Lawrence Productions to produce an immersive film experience that will introduce guests ...
The two iconic seats are part of the museum's major exhibition marking the 250th anniversary of the Declaration of ...
After all, it’s clear that many Americans feel disengaged from science or democracy or both. One reason may be that they blame science and technology for causing or failing to solve big problems, from ...
In “The Revolutionary Self,” the historian Lynn Hunt explores the way 18th-century culture transformed our sense of power in ...
The Susan B. Anthony Museum and House unveiled a newly restored statuette of the famous women’s suffragist on Saturday in the ...
More than 30,000 people watched online as the locomotive was pulled from the museum’s railyard to the restoration shop. It’s the last of the three American Freedom Train locomotives in existence.
Contemporary pop artist aleXsandro Palombo is speaking out after his murals showing Holocaust survivors were defaced multiple times in Italy in apparent acts of antisemitism.
Valentine’s Day weekend brings everything from ‘Love Letters’ on stage to a winter bluegrass festival and a free Cleo Parker ...
COMPLEX DREAMS at the Michigan State University Broad Art Museum is the first of a planned biennial series of commissioned ...
On Tuesday in his Margin Call column, Yoni Bashan reported the peculiarly Canberra story of the Museum of Australian Democracy, aka the Old parliament, hosting 100 sov-cits who announced the ...
The self-guided tour at the California Museum includes several themes, like Black resilience, activism, democracy and community.