WEST HAVEN, Conn. (WFSB) - Whether its a heart attack or an overdose, having access to an AED or some Narcan can make the difference between life or death. That is why one city along the shoreline ...
Add articles to your saved list and come back to them any time. Nicotine pouches are flavoured sachets designed to be placed between the lip and the gum, delivering nicotine to the body.
Federal Way police said the patient, who had overdosed, was given Narcan and taken to the hospital for further treatment. During the administration of first aid, officers noticed a large quantity ...
Yondr, which makes portable phone locking pouches used at concerts or in schools, also sells a home phone box. Perhaps there are deeper reasons for your smartphone compulsion. Maybe it’s a ...
Cardiac arrest from opioid overdoses is usually secondary to respiratory arrest. Naloxone reverses narcotic overdoses by binding to opioid receptors, which blocks stimulation from the opioid ...
The Maine CDC is excited to announce that we are modernizing our Tuberculosis (TB) reporting system. Currently, inactive TB (also known as Latent TB Infection or LTBI) cases and suspect and confirmed ...