This is also where Dio is at his most vampirey with his elegant ... Stardust Crusaders is also enhanced by having multiple animations, such as the Ova or the official anime. This only helps ...
The World: OVA is the most exciting skin you can get for The World stand, the main stand of Dio Brando. It's a strong stand that's the most effective at close range. Using The World with OVA skin is ...
In a few days, KonoSuba: God's Blessing on This Wonderful World!, or simply KonoSuba, will release a two-episode OVA for Season 3. Aside from the new episodes, fans are expecting more anime ...
Bad anime can teach a very important lesson, and these "so bad it's good" and "just bad" anime are all a must-watch—each one ...
Ova odluka simbolički označava novi početak za pjevačicu i glumicu. Iako je njihovoj romantičnoj vezi došao kraj, Lopez i Affleck, prema navodima izvora bliskih paru, ostaju posvećeni održavanju ...