Salisbury could soon have a new supermarket and a five-star hotel if Wiltshire Council grants planning permission to developers ...
A planning inspector has been urged to ‘restore a unique piece of English heritage’ by allowing homes to be built at Old Sarum Airfield.
The quaint village is also home to the tallest cathedral in Britain. Salisbury Cathedral is currently the tallest church ...
Described as a village with a city inside, there's no denying that Salisbury is a pretty special place. The city offers a ...
Salisbury Motorcycle and Light Car Club will take on the Five Valleys Charity Motorcycle Run on Sunday, April 27, to raise money for Salisbury Foodbank.
The past was seen through selective tunnel vision. I remember being struck speechless when an old lady in Bonn said to me, ‘Say what you like about him, but in Adolf’s time at least there was no crime ...