Raggiana – Bird-of-paradise Paradisaea raggiana Order – Family: Passeriformes – Paradisaeidae Physical Description: These ...
Researchers discovered that 37 out of 45 known species of birds of paradise possess biofluorescence, emitting green or yellow ...
A survey of museum specimens reveals that more than a dozen species of the birds sport biofluorescence in feathers, skin or even inside their throats.
Paradisaea, an upscale Michelin Guide-recognized restaurant in Birdrock, is serving a three-course meal for $110 per person with evening reservations open. The menu choices include turkey with ...
Meanwhile, the Arctic tern (Sterna paradisaea) boasts the longest migration, covering 96,000 kilometers (60,000 miles) between England and Antarctica, making birds true aerial athletes. Hudsonian ...
Only a few fringe family members fail to glow under ambient UV or blue light. Biofluorescence seen on an emperor bird-of-paradise (Paradisaea guilielmi) in the museum's collection, showing the top of ...
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