Honourable President, the GNU will ensure that the commitments you made to the nation do not become empty promises, but a lived reality,” Hlabisa stated during the State of the Nation Address (SONA) ...
The ANC and its GNU partners are divided over South Africa’s military involvement in the DRC, as opposition parties call for ...
TROY MEDIA To the south, “Manifest Destiny.” To the north, “Peace, Order, and Good Government.” These constitutional principles define ...
Article 23 of the African Charter for Democracy, Elections and Governance extended the definition of an unconstitutional ...
Canada’s historical amnesia leaves us ill-prepared to confront today’s new realitiesBill WhitelawTo the south, “Manifest Destiny.” ...
Iwi leaders have been laying out their goals for the year at Te Tii Marae as part of Waitangi commemorations, where they say ...
Analysis: The Prime Minister is absent, Marama Davidson is back, and David Seymour will front up to his opponents (despite a ...
For Waitangi Day, I encourage you to think about the achievements, the history, and all that we have in common as New Zealanders. Wherever you are and however you choose to celebrate it, I hope you ...
Last Jan. 24, the Asian Institute of Management Team Energy Center for Bridging Leadership (AIMTEC-BL) celebrated its 20th ...
As corporations recalibrate their strategies in response to this backlash, the debate over DEI highlights persistent tensions surrounding race, power, and culture in the United States.
The Tumaini Initiative presents a critical opportunity to establish lasting peace and political stability in South Sudan.
Four years since the coup d'état in Myanmar, democracy defenders continue to bravely resist the military junta. Educators ...