Pelajari tanda-tanda kematian secara medis dan spiritual untuk mempersiapkan diri menghadapi akhir kehidupan dengan lebih ...
Djoko Buntoro (38) warga Wates, Kulon Progo dilaporkan hilang usai enam hari tak pulang ke rumah. Bantu cari ya, Dab!
Nikita Mirzani dan asistennya ditetapkan sebagai tersangka kasus dugaan pemerasan dan Tindak Pidana Pecucian Uang (TPPU) terhadap pengusaha dokter Reza Gladys. Ketika penangkapan, Nikita Mirzani ...
Protesters showed up outside the House K-12 Subcommittee, shutting down hearings for the rest of the day Tuesday.
A multi-academy trust known for its strict rules and punishments has been shortlisted for two national education awards.
23 pupils permanently. The trust has now been shortlisted for "Most Improved Multi Academy Trust" at the National MAT Awards, hosted by the Multi Academy Trust Association (MATA). Georgina Fahey ...
WowKeren - dr Oky Pratama masih dicurigai menjadi dalang kasus dugaan pemerasan yang menyeret nama Nikita Mirzani dan Mail ...
Pupils are facing larger class sizes due to 'sluggish' teacher recruitment and high exit rates, according to a report. The National Foundation for Educational Research (NFER) said there are ...
Five mainland primary schools have more staff than they have pupils. Department of Education returns show four schools with just two pupils enrolled, while one had just one pupil when the national ...