The core parts of the library are implemented as a set of header files with no dependencies other than a sufficiently C++17-capable compiler (GCC >= 8.2, Clang >= 7.0, Visual Studio ... complex ...
DynoSAM is a Stereo/RGB-D Visual Odometry pipeline for Dynamic SLAM and estiamtes ... gt_qw where the transformation T_world_camera is reported in translation and quaternion form. Object Pose/Motion ...
Abstract: The Cramér-Rao lower bound (CRLB) is a fundamental result in statistical signal processing, however, the CRLB for quaternion parameters is not yet established. To this end, we develop the ...
The superior colliculus (SC) has a topographic map of visual space, but the spatial nature of its output command for orienting gaze shifts remains unclear. Here we show that the SC codes neither ...
Article subjects are automatically applied from the ACS Subject Taxonomy and describe the scientific concepts and themes of the article. For example, molecular docking is widely used for predicting ...
News Nintendo Music Adds Golden Sun Soundtrack, Here's Every Song Included ...