We've got the perfect reads for those who prefer their romance with a side of chills, thrills and even a little trauma. Author Brynne Weaver recommends her favorites.
Author John W. Miller, who grew up an Orioles fan, says his biography of Earl Weaver, “The Last Manager,” is “very much my life’s work.” ...
By Dwight Garner When you purchase an independently reviewed book through our site, we earn an affiliate commission. THE LAST MANAGER: How Earl Weaver Tricked, Tormented, and Reinvented Baseball ...
Tech entrepreneur-turned-author Thomas R. Weaver went from indie publishing to a six-figure, two-book deal with Del Rey, thanks in large part to the viral success of his debut, Artificial Wisdom.
In his biography "The Last Manager," Pittsburgh author John Miller show that the Orioles' Earl Weaver was a visionary as well ...
To Randy and Vicki Weaver, Lindsey’s book really did seem to explain it all: Gog, the evil empire discussed in Ezekiel, was actually the Soviet Union; the ten horns of the beast from Revelation ...