Nearly three years of war have devastated much of Moscow's military, but its other forces, like its naval fleet and air force ...
Kyiv’s theaters are full, bookshops are booming and crowds throng to concerts. Despite the threat of Russian strikes, ...
The Ministry of Defence admitted thousands of people across the army, navy and air force can't be deployed due to medical ...
Ukraine has deployed a new Tryzub "trident" laser and is only the fifth country to have a laser, possibly changing the way ...
This month, a U.S. military official said that a couple hundred North Korean troops fighting alongside Russian forces against ...
The figure includes both dead and wounded and is part of the total losses of approximately 785,000 Russian troops since the ...
In a written parliamentary question, Defence minister Al Carns revealed that across the various branches of the armed forces, ...
KYIV, Ukraine — North Korean troops are suffering heavy losses in the fighting in Russia’s Kursk region and facing logistical ...
Russia has lost 784,200 troops in Ukraine since the beginning of its full-scale invasion on Feb. 24, 2022, the General Staff ...