Audrey Robertson sits on the board of Liberty Energy, the fracking services company founded by Energy Secretary Chris Wright.
The new energy secretary will visit Los Alamos National Laboratory on Monday and Sandia National Laboratories on Tuesday.
Chris Wright, the US energy secretary, argued the UK’s rollout of wind farms and solar panels had “not delivered any benefits ...
Many oil and gas companies objected in March when the SEC required companies to disclose their greenhouse gas emissions in ...
British government is pushing to largely eradicate fossil fuels from the grid by 2030 through massively ramping up deployment ...
US energy secretary Chris Wright – who claims net zero goals are “sinister” and has denied the science of climate change – ...
The National Energy Dominance Council will advise on how the USA can produce more energy - with a remit that includes ...
Opinion: Chris Wright is a climate change denier who has already targeted foundational, effective clean air and water safeguards.
In a discussion with Chris Uhlmann, US energy secretary Chris Wright digs in on fossil fuels, climate denial and a hatred of green energy.
President Trump's push for lower energy costs by increasing oil production may inadvertently raise prices, experts caution.
Dr. No in the first James Bond film in 1962 was a megalomaniacal villain, but that’s exactly who I’m asking Colorado ...
It’s genuinely terrifying that these individuals wield such immense influence, on the media, on policy, and on the future of the planet.