Their sweat-stained faces lit only by a dim yellow bulb in a neglected corner of the capital Luanda, revellers sway their ...
As regional leaders undertake high-level talks on the Democratic Republic of the Congo, Central African bishops urge swift ...
The Honourable Mélanie Joly, Minister of Foreign Affairs; the Honourable Ahmed Hussen, Minister of International Development; and the Honourable Mary ...
In terms of access to combat theaters, journalists from Goma, Bukavu, or Bunia have difficulty reporting live. “Many are ...
Since January, however, the rapid conquest and occupation of a huge area of the Democratic Republic of Congo by Rwanda and ...
Teachers from the Portuguese School of Mozambique (EPM) today demanded salary disparities and equal working conditions with professionals on mobility, admitting to resorting to strike to demand the ...
Luanda Villa has begun the National Super League season with two consecutive wins. They beat Muhoroni Youth FC away and then ...
After securing two wins in a row, Luanda Villa tactician Leonard Saleh says he needs at least five matches to monitor his new ...
Angola is set to become the 14th member of the Southern African Development Community (SADC) to join the regional market, ...
Kenya Power and Lighting Company (KPLC) said the planned electricity interruptions were part of the network maintenance to ...
The Minister of Culture, Filipe Zau, on Saturday defended the continued participation of children in carnival as a way of preserving Angolan culture.