Kyle Orton argues those drawing parallels to Israel’s 2006 are radically mistaken. In 2024 Israel intelligence, planning and arms are winning. What it needs now are allies that  act like allies.
Christopher L. Schilling is the author of The Therapized Antisemite: The Myth of Psychology and the Evasion of Responsibility ...
Lyn Julius is the author of Uprooted: how 3,000 years of Jewish civilisation in the Arab world vanished overnight, published by Vallentine Mitchell in 2018. The Farhud is the name given to the ...
Secretary General of Amnesty International Agnes Callamard (right) and Middle East and North Africa Research and Advocacy Director Philip Luther (centre) attends a press conference in East Jerusalem, ...
In the wake of the EHRC report on antisemitism in the UK Labour Party, a variety of complaints have been made about the IHRA definition of antisemitism. Two of the critics’ principal claims are first, ...
Members of the Arab Higher Committee, from right to left: Ahmad Shukeiri, Hussein al-Khaldi, Jamal Husseini, Ahmed Halmi (holding a walking stick), Yusuf Heykal (mayor of Jaffa).
Mahmoud Abbas was elected President of the PA in January 2005. In the aftermath of the Second Intifada, Abbas came to power on a platform of working to secure a peace deal with Israel that would ...
What too many variants of radical ideology have in common—besides gauzy dreams of a qualitative break with present reality, in favor of some utopian alternative that can hardly be specified—is a ...
Liz Truss enters Number 10 at a time of massive policy challenges. Whilst the British public’s concerns will overwhelmingly focus on the cost of living, the energy crisis, and the buckling health ...
Ethiopian Jews pictured on board the Bat Galim ship on their journey to Israel in 1984. Photograph courtesy of Raffi Berg.
From the cover of Chaim Gans's book 'A Political Theory for the Jewish People' (Oxford University Press, 2016).
Samuel Nurding: Why did you decide to write a study of Palestinian Authority President Mahmoud Abbas? Grant Rumley: We decided to write the book after the 2014 peace talks, driven by the US Secretary ...