If the world is to achieve its net-zero ambitions by 2050, it is not enough to invest in companies that already boast low ...
In this interview, Patrick Peura, Head of Investment Stewardship and Engagement at Allianz Investment Management (AIM), gives ...
The Allianz Motor Day brings together experts and media representatives from across the globe to discuss the trends and challenges of future mobility. The theme for 2024 is “Big versus small: How we ...
Innovative technologies and new regulations should help to increase the safety of vulnerable groups on the roads. A topic that Allianz will be addressing at this year's Allianz Motor Day on October 16 ...
When we talk about the shortage of skilled workers as a drag on growth, the debate misses the real problem. Strictly speaking ...
Als Cristina zu Beginn ihres Kampfes gegen den Krebs die Krankenversicherungs-Hotline der Allianz Portugal anrief, hoffte sie, einen vertrauenswürdigen und kompetenten Partner zu finden, der ihr ...
When Cristina called the Allianz Portugal health claims hotline at the beginning of her battle with cancer, she was hoping to ...
For the first time, Allianz has been named one of the 30 most valuable brands in the world, moving up two places to the 29th ...