Several organisations have come together to make the fun day a success, and you can contribute by attending the day and donating a toy.
Dr. Sabelile Tenza leads patient safety initiatives at Witrand Hospital, highlighting community engagement and collective responsibility.
WB Regina is a local manufactured 75-ton work barge that will carry two large cranes and be used for general mining-plant maintenance and service.
The N4 Schoemanskloof is closed at Patatanek. This is due to a truck that lost control and rolled on the pass. Emer-G-Med received the call this morning, Tuesday, October 22, at 06:55.
Baba Hanru se ouers het al heelwat geld self ingesamel, enige donasies om die hospitaalkostes te dek sal waardeer word.
Dit was kliphard en so spannend soos net ’n belangrike eindstryd kan wees, maar toe die eindfluitjie Saterdag blaas, is Naka Bulle vir die tweede jaar agtereenvolgens as die nasionale Gold Cup kampioe ...