The Werd restaurant with winter garden is located in the municipality of Geroldswil near the River Limmat. It is the ...
The town of Biel, the metropolis of Swiss watchmaking, lies at the eastern end of Lake Biel, at the foot of the Jura in the delightful Lake Region. The charm of bilingualism, the intact old town and ...
Nico Franzoni and Noah Bachofen are gourmet friends. Switzerland Tourism sent them on a journey across the country: from ...
Les Diablerets, situated at an altitude of 1,200 m between Lake Geneva and Gstaad, is a Mecca for adventure sports. The Glacier 3000 ski area, in the heart of the Vaud Alps, offers all the pleasures ...
High up on the peak of the 4,107-metre Mönch are three striking ridge routes. All three are technically very challenging. In spite of this, this four-thousander is a popular destination for ...
An oasis on the shores of Lake Maggiore for all those who love sport, fun and well-being associated with water. The lido is open all year round, whatever the weather. It includes indoor and outdoor ...
Attaché à ses traditions, le village de St-Cergue perpétue avec passion et authenticité la célébration de la désalpe. Les contenus indiqués ici sont gérés par les offices de tourisme régionaux / ...
Edifié au XVIIIe siècle par Louis Guiguer, banquier suisse établi à Paris, le château de Prangins a accueilli en ses murs d'illustres personnages tels Voltaire ou Joseph Bonaparte. Surplombant le lac ...
再没有其他国家可以像瑞士这样,在一片小小的区域内集合如此众多风格各异的地区特色。有的地方令人感受到南方的气候,但是在其他地方还存在着葱郁的植物、崎岖的山脉、富有特色的文化 ...
Neuchâtel est un petit bijou intact aux origines médiévales. Jouissant d’un patrimoine séculier, la ville a fêté son millénaire en 2011.Sa situation idéale au bord du lac éponyme, ses étroites ruelles ...
Che siate alla ricerca di città affascinanti, parchi naturali, paesaggi montani mozzafiato o laghi scintillanti. Che sia mediterranea o alpina, la Svizzera offre destinazioni uniche che renderanno ...
Depuis Zernez, la randonnée traverse le magnifique Parc national jusqu'à Tschierv. Ensuite, découvrez le Val Müstair avec le célèbre couvent de Saint-Jean-des-Sœurs à Müstair. Le chemin franchit alors ...