Almost 136 000 babies are expected to be born with HIV in the next three months, mostly in Africa, because of the Trump administration's "stop work order" on foreign ...
In a world increasingly shaped by the climate crisis, Namibia stands at the crossroads of a challenge and an opportunity. Water scarcity and energy inefficiency are no ...
European football body Uefa hailed the "more dynamic" new format of the Champions League as a huge success after the first phase concluded on Wednesday while all of the ...
Die vierde ronde van Krieket Namibië se eendagpremierliga sal môreoggend by United en Wanderers in Windhoek beslis word.CCD Tigers en Trustco United se eerste spanne sal ...
Elke keer as ’n plaaslike fliek vir oulaas in ons rolprentteaters draai, verloor ’n engel sy vlerke. Dis nie hoe die gesegde gaan nie, maar dit is hoe dit sou wees as ek ...
Ten spyte van die feit dat die Kankervereniging van Namibië (CAN) nie deur die Verenigde State van Amerika (VSA) se onttrekking van finansiële steun geraak word nie, dui ...
On 23 August 2024, Jacky Hamunyela’s professional aspirations became a reality when she was admitted as a legal practitioner of the High Court of Namibia and promoted as ...
“Die Rooilyn laat ’n mens soms voel asof ons steeds onder die bantoestan-stelsel is, wat noordelike streke isoleer.”Só het die voormalige sekretaris-generaal van ...
Namibia’s women’s hockey team had reason to celebrate in Zelina, Croatia, on Wednesday night after they clinched their three-match indoor series against the host nation by ...
Vir sy bydrae tot die letterkunde in Namibië het die Doek! Letterkundefees positiewe erkenning in die New York Times ontvang.“Die tweejaarlikse (biennial) fees, wat in ...
Onderwysers van twee skole op Rundu weier om na hul klaskamers terug te keer tot die ministerie van onderwys, kuns en kultuur ’n oplossing gevind het vir die ...
The Economic Association of Namibia (EAN) says targeted interventions regarding the youth is critical in helping redress Namibia’s unemployment rate. This follows the release ...